Shine Brighter. Every day.

With real-life + business insights from the Trusted Advice Team

Rob Mullins, Founder

Advisors for visionary CEOs and Leaders committed to do better, be better and feel better—in business and life.

You have choices on your path to personal growth - endless videos, books, trainings and speakers to inspire and teach you.

You “know” all the things but doing the right next thing sometimes feels elusive.

It’s because we weren’t meant to go at this alone.

Business and personal growth can be accelerated when you are surrounded by the right team.

Take a curious step towards trusted advice.

CEOs + Senior Executives

What if you could....

  • Accelerate the skillsets of your executive team?

  • More effectively develop your promising but young and less experienced leaders?

  • Spend less time on people and communication skills with your team?

  • Have a trusted, experienced, confidential business “friend” to share these thoughts with?

Hire us to Boost Your Business with a High Performing Team (that still loves and respects you)

Corporate Leaders Seeking More

  • Are you feeling stifled by your growth options? your boss? your company culture?

  • Do you recognize the edge of burnout and refuse to go there - so you’re ready to make some shifts?

  • Were you fast-tracked into leadership without the structure to master essential skills like delegating, making smart hires, conducting tough performance talks, and ensuring your ideas gain traction in the company?

You're ready for acceleration with a Trusted Advisor.

Lessons in Leadership and Life

From the Trusted Advice Team

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Roadmap to Become a Certified Professional Coach

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Finding a Job of Your Dreams is Easy!

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The Importance of Giving in Order to Start Receiving

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The Biggest Differences Between ...

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Hi, I'm Rob Mullins.

Founder of the Trusted Advice Team

Helping CEOs and leaders stretch, grow, seek truth and clarity is our mission and what drives my own purpose and focus everyday.

We aren't meant to go at this alone. Looking outside your business walls for trusted advice allows more vulnerability, new perspectives and an acceleration towards growth.

As an outdoor enthusiast, I love to experience mental breakthroughs in nature, but I'm no stranger to the boardroom. And I'm happy to meet you in either or both venues.

What has been holding you back from the next level of growth? Let's discuss that together.




Working with Rob Mullins has been professionally and personally transformational. His tailored strategies, valuable insights, and unwavering support have given me much-needed clarity about my career journey and reignited my passion for what I do. Thanks to Rob, I am not only recalibrating my professional goals but also have the necessary skills to surpass them. If you are serious about achieving your career aspirations, look no further - Rob is your secret sauce.

Brian Rapp


Rob's coaching style is a unique combination of reflection, candor, effective challenge, and understanding. I've recognized a deeper understanding of my own behaviors, which have enabled me to enhance my strengths but also address areas that require improvement. Rob creates an environment of trust and encouragement, and makes me feel like I'm capable of achieving more and creating goals that are bold - to dream bigger.



Rob's passion for the outdoors and developing the people he's around shine's bright in his intentionality and attention to detail. Every aspect of our experience made our team more connected and influenced our perspective on leadership, work, and life. His wisdom, empathetic nature, and compassion transformed how we reflected on the big and small moments of life in order to become the best versions of ourselves. Simply put, Trusted Advice takes leadership and business consultation to the next level!

Luke Jennings


The Monthly Compass

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